Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness leads to a strengthening of your ability to concentrate, and a dramatic reduction in stress. Through the practice of mindfulness you will experience a greater sense of wholeness and aliveness, even during seemingly mundane moments in life, and you’ll find that your mind begins to disentangle itself from negative thoughts, negative reactions and negative judgements. 

You will become aware that your thoughts and feelings are not the sum total of who you are, and that you need not be a victim of your own thinking. There is a great sense of freedom in this realisation.

You’ll also find that you greatly improve your ability to deal with any major upheavals that might arise in your life. But mindfulness is more than just a good coping mechanism. It is also very powerful for clearing the mind and developing space for deeper awareness, spiritual connectedness, and deep meditation. 

Stress in the Workplace

Tackling stress effectively is especially important in the workplace. Each year several million work days are lost as a result of stress. Two out of three medical consultations concern stress-related conditions. 

If stress in the workplace is properly managed it can be re-experienced as a motivator. 

With mental health becoming an increasingly serious situation in the UK businesses now have a corporate responsibility to their staff's wellbeing. Wellness Works strives to make a positive impact on the mental and physical health in the workplace.

What will your organisation do to support your staff?

I have been running a three month drop in Meditation Session for a busy company in Edinburgh. The staff who attend are recognising many benefits and can learn techniques to try elsewhere to multiply and enhance the benefits. I am looking forward to setting up another one in another busy workplace this autumn. 

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Photo by SIphotography/iStock / Getty Images


I realise its a while since I have posted anything. My focus has been elsewhere planning for my Mindfulness Training which I absolutely love. Having just completed weekend 2 going a little deeper and taking time to find my own routine for this through self practice (which I must say is liberating me in so many ways).

My training pathway will go on until 2020 and module 3 will be in November this year. If you have any questions for me please contact me and ask.

I was approached by someone today about how to start meditating and will be sharing information with this lady to offer some support with her journey. 

I ended a Yoga class with a Meditation session using stones from the beach, the women loved this and have taken the stones home with them. 

Photo by BrianLasenby/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by BrianLasenby/iStock / Getty Images

Children Community Circle

Sit up tall holding hands. Close your eyes and go inside. Breath and relax. Become aware of your inner self... Now become aware of being with others.

Choose someone to begin. That person squeezes the hand of the next person and so on until the squeeze has gone all the way around the circle.

Next time you pass the squeeze, say a word that describes how you feel, such as "happy," "peaceful," "special," "calm."

On the third round. say a word that describes what you'd like to share with the others in your circle, such as "peace," "fun," "adventure," "courage."


Photo by timsa/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by timsa/iStock / Getty Images

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage coming after the year.

What happens during a hot stone massage?

A hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy. It’s used to help you relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissues throughout your body. 

During a hot stone massage, smooth, flat, heated stones are placed on specific parts of your body. The stones are usually made of basalt, a type of volcanic rock that retains heat. According to the University of New Hampshire Health Services, hot massage stones are heated to between 130 and 145 degrees.

The stones may be placed:

  • along your spine
  • on your stomach
  • on your chest
  • on your face
  • on your palms
  • on your feet and toes

Massage therapists may hold heated stones as they massage your body using Swedish massage techniques such as:

  • long strokes
  • circular movements
  • vibration
  • tapping
  • kneading

Sometimes, cold stones are also used during a hot stone massage. Cold stones may be used after hot stones to calm any engorged blood vessels and to soothe the skin. 


6 benefits of hot stone massage

All massages generally fall under the alternative medicine umbrella. They’re becoming a popular complementary therapy for many conditions. Here are some advantages of getting a hot stone massage:

1. Helps relieve muscle tension and pain

Heat has long been used to ease muscle tension and pain. It helps increase blood flow to the affected area. It may also reduce muscle spasms and increase flexibility and range of motion. Cold therapy helps relieve inflammation. Depending on your symptoms, alternating hot and cold stones during your massage may be helpful.

2. Reduces stress and anxiety

It’s the position of the American Massage Therapy Association that “massage therapy can be effective for stress relief.” Research supports their opinion. A 2001 study showed that a ten-minute massage improved cardiovascular responses such as stroke volume. A 1997 studyfound that 15-minute, onsite chair massages in the workplace significantly reduced stress compared to a 15-minute break without massage. 

A 2015 study found that people who underwent abdominal colorectal surgery had less pain, tension, and anxiety after receiving post-operative massage. 

3. Promotes sleep

A 2006 literature review found massage may be an alternative to sleeping pills in adults with insomnia. The research showed that back massage helped promote relaxation and sleep. A 2001 study showed that infants with sleep problems who were given a 15-minute massage by their parents went to sleep faster. They were also more alert, active, and positive upon awakening. Massage is thought to help you enjoy more restorative sleep, although it’s not completely understood why. 

4. May help relieve symptoms of autoimmune diseases

Hot stone massage may relieve painful conditions such as fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes widespread, chronic pain. According to a 2002 study, people with fibromyalgia who received a 30-minute massage slept longer, had fewer trigger points, and had decreased levels of substance P (a substance involved in transmitting pain signals) than people with the condition who received relaxation therapy. More research is needed, however, before massage becomes a standard fibromyalgia treatment.

A 2013 study found that people with rheumatoid arthritis may benefit from a moderate-pressure massage, such as hot stone massage. Participants in the study experienced less pain, greater grip strength, and a greater range of motion after one month of massage therapy. 

5. May help decrease cancer symptoms

A large, three-year study published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management examined how massage affected pain, fatigue, stress and anxiety, nausea, and depression in 1,290 people with cancer. The study showed massage, especially Swedish massage, improved cancer symptoms, even in those with substantial symptoms. Researchers believe the comforting use of human touch played a role. 

6. May boost immunity

Massage may give your immune system a boost. According to a 2010 study, a single session of Swedish massage therapy had a positive and acute impact on immunity. Blood samples taken before and after the massage showed a decrease in arginine-vasopressin, a hormone that helps regulate blood pressure and water retention. 


Who may benefit from a hot stone massage?

Anyone who is experiencing muscle tension and pain, insomnia, or stress may benefit from a hot stone massage. If you have a chronic condition that causes pain, talk to your doctor to see if a hot stone massage is a good option for you. 

Studies show that a hot stone massage may be a helpful way to reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and ease pain and muscle tension. It may be helpful for a variety of conditions and circumstances. 

More study is needed to find out exactly why massage therapy has such a powerful impact. It may have a lot to do with human touch. For many people, touch offers a sense of connection and security. 

To make sure you have a positive hot stone massage experience, only use a massage therapist trained to work with hot stones. You may feel sore during your massage or the day after. This may be due to deep tissue manipulation and pressure. You shouldn’t feel pain. If you are uncomfortable or experience pain during your massage, let your massage therapist know right away. 


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Photo by Wavebreakmedia/iStock / Getty Images

1/1 Child Meditation


My kids loved it and we were doing calm down circles and om breaths for everything... i think my boy will really benefit from these techniques. Perhaps if you had a class my boy and I could attend ? That would be amazing.  Thanks for your time it was really helpful.

Photo by Eleonora_os/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by Eleonora_os/iStock / Getty Images

Different strokes

Soothing or stimulating, treat or treatment - there is a form of massage to to suit every person (not to mention every ailment). But which to choose? Alice Wignall investigates the option

Alice Wignall

Tuesday 17 July 2007 00.11 BSTFirst published on Tuesday 17 July 2007 00.11 BST

The instinct to touch and be touched is one of the most basic any of us have. And never more so than when we're stressed or injured. If you bang your leg, you rub it; hurt your arm, you grab it. If you are tired and overwhelmed you demand a hug (or even try to give yourself one if there's no one else about). So it is hardly surprising that there are techniques and systems of touch to address a wide range of issues - from muscle pain or stress, to digestive or circulation problems. Why not try these for starters?

Therapeutic massage

The idea of paying a total stranger to knead and stroke your limbs and torso can seem shamelessly self-indulgent. But there's more to it than just having your skin stroked (pleasurable as that may be). A therapeutic massage - sometimes known as Swedish massage because it was a Swede, Pehr Henrik Ling, who created the scientific system that still forms the basis of most massage treatments - is what you are likely to have if you book in for a "massage". It will consist of a series of strokes, kneading, friction, percussion and vibration, though other techniques may also be incorporated, to manipulate your skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

The benefits of massage could - and indeed do - fill a book. It can increase joint mobility, decrease inflammation, relieve muscle pain and tightness, increase flexibility, and enhance blood flow and lymphatic drainage. It can also help increase relaxation and reduce stress. And then there is the sheer sensual delight of being touched by a trained professional - well, it has to be better than a "back rub" that requires you to do the washing-up in exchange.

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Photo by skynesher/iStock / Getty Images


10 Health Benefits Of Relaxation | HuffPost


14 Aug 2014 - But relaxing whenever possible, and in whatever way works for you (whether it's reading a ... Check out the health benefits of relaxation below.

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Photo by martin-dm/iStock / Getty Images

Find your inner Warrior

Benefits of Warrior I Pose:

Strengthens and stretches your legs, ankles and feet

  • Stretches your hips, groins and shoulders
  • Opens your chest and lungs
  • Builds stamina and concentration
  • Energizes tired limbs
  • Stimulates your abdominal organs
  • Helps relieve backaches, especially through your 2nd trimester
  • Develops balance and stability
  • Improves circulation and respiration
  • Therapeutic for flat fleet, sciatica, osteoporosis and carpal tunnel

Benefits of Warrior II Pose: 

  • Strengthens your shoulders, arms, legs, ankles and back
  • Opens yours hips, chest and lungs
  • Improves focus, balance and stability
  • Encourages good circulation and respiration
  • Stretches your arms, legs, shoulders, neck, belly, groins and ankles
  • Energises the entire body
Photo by rilueda/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by rilueda/iStock / Getty Images


Tackling stress effectively is especially important in the workplace. Each year several million work days are lost as a result of stress. Two out of three medical consultations concern stress-related conditions. 

If stress in the workplace is properly managed it can be re-experienced as a motivator. 

With mental health becoming an increasingly serious situation in the UK businesses now have a corporate responsibility to their staff's wellbeing. Wellness Works strives to make a positive impact on the mental and physical health in the workplace.

What will your organisation do to support your staff?

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Photo by DragonImages/iStock / Getty Images

Indian Head Massage

The head, neck and shoulders are important energy centres in the body. If you feel stressed, angry, or depressed, tension tends to accumulate. The tension can show up later as a stiff neck, and shoulders, tight muscles, eye strain, headaches and pain. 

Indian Head Massage can help unknot blockages and relieve this uncomfortable build up of tension. However its effect is not just physical: it works on an emotional level too, calming  the spirit, promoting relaxation and relieving stress. 


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Photo by webphotographeer/iStock / Getty Images

Reflexology is preventive heath care / Immune System

The added strain on everyone's immune system today should encourage us to find time to unwind and relax, because the immune system functions at its peak when a person can successfully manage the stressful situations of daily life. The immune system relies on other bodily processes to maintain its own line of defence. Only when the body is well balanced is a person in good shape to ward off illnesses. 

Photo by kentoh/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by kentoh/iStock / Getty Images

8 Week Meditation Course

Looking forward to providing an 8 week Meditation Course with Projekt 42. starting on Mon eve 3rd July. Book at www.projekt42.co.uk

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Photo by egal/iStock / Getty Images